, automation for the advertising industry Follow Nov 14, 2023 · 1 min read, automation for the advertising industry
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The advertising industry is undergoing a radical transformation. The imminent arrival of cookie-less environments, along with new technological implementations of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI), is shaking up the digital marketing landscape that make new approaches and strategies necessary. In this context Smoot, an innovative digital media programmatic buying start up, is born, which uses a proprietary IAG tool to create contextual marketing campaigns based on emotions.

Smoot’s solution is enabling advertisers not only to adapt to this new environment of change, but also to adopt empathy-based advertising that resonates in the consumer’s mind and adopts brand values that go beyond a pure marketing approach, connecting with people’s real feelings and emotions. Smoot, using AI allows this brand to analyze the emotions of viewers in real time, taking advantage of the emotions involved in an event like this to launch an ad that aligns with that emotional state.

The digital marketing platform uses the emotional context of consumers to target advertising campaigns more accurately. The platform, developed by co-CEOs Agustín Echavarría and Luis Barrague, uses IAG to interpret consumer emotions through text, video, and image content. It also evaluates brand safety, values, and content affinity with the campaign brief.

Smoot’s technology reduces wasted impressions, increases visibility, and improves attention through non-invasive advertising formats. It connects with consumers at the most appropriate emotional moment, respecting user privacy in a cookie-free environment.

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