DocStoc Out of Beta with a Bang Follow May 14, 2009 · 1 min read
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by MICHELLE LENTZ on MAY 14, 2009

And in the News-That’s-Not-Twitter stack, we’ve got some interesting stuff. Top of the list is that [DocStoc]( has come rushing out of the Beta gates. DocStoc first launched at the TechCrunch 40 conference in September 2007 and has since raised $4 million from several different investors. With the shedding of the Beta tag, they’ve also added a new look and some new features.

## New Look

DocStoc now has a full-time content editor whose sole job is to make the front page look rather awesome and timely. The new page has a blog-type feel to it and includes that day’s featured documents and links to outside news sources.

## DocCash

You can now make money from all those documents that you upload. Docstoc has partnered with Google Adsense to create DocCash.  Now when you upload documents to Docstoc, you can share 50/50 in the revenue whenever someone clicks on one of the Google Ads on your documents.  DocStoc allows you to associate your current AdSense account with your DocStoc profile and the DocCash program is completely opt-in.

## API Release

And rounding out the new features, DocStoc has now publicly released their API. If you’re a developer, you can now access the data on DocStoc for your apps, including access to the document library, proprietary previewing technology, and search results. Some pretty cool apps could be built. DocStoc sent along a list of some of their partners, which include PR Wire and the intriguing Firefox plug-in MashLogic.

This is all great news for DocStoc. Of course, as document sharing gets more popular, they’ll run into the same copyright issues as everything else. I read a NY Times article the other day where several famous sci-fi authors were upset at finding their works on Scrib’d, a similar document sharing service. Hopefully that full-time content editor can also police the copyrights. It will be interesting to see where that road takes us in the next few years.

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