Build Your Own Microblogging Network with Twingr Follow Apr 21, 2013 · 4 mins read
Build Your Own Microblogging Network with Twingr
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Microblogging has taken the social world by storm ever since Twitter first popularized short-form broadcasting back in 2006.

Although Twitter remains the dominant player even today, the urge to craft more private or niche microblogging communities persists. After all, not every thought or conversation fits or thrives inside Twitter’s noisy public forums governed by strangers.

Imagine a microblogging platform catering specifically to likeminded groups or organizations. Schools could drive engagement through campus-specific activity streams. Brands may strengthen internal communications by giving employees their own private outlet resembling Twitter’s chronological posts. Conferences might curate live commentary around event sessions in a Twitter-like format visible just to attendees.

The good news? Crafting niche microblogging networks no longer requires starting from scratch. That heavy lifting has already produced an open source microblogging software called Twingr.

What is

California-based startup ObjectLabs Corporation launched Twingr in 2013 as an open source platform letting anyone build Twitter-style status streams backed by MongoDB databases. ObjectLabs itself specializes in cloud-based messaging, IoT and big data solutions for enterprises.

However, in true open source fashion, Twingr comes with no strings attached beyond the GNU GPLv3 license. Anyone can download it from GitHub, run it on their own servers, and launch fully customized microblogging environments in minutes.

Twingr packs impressive capabilities resembling Twitter straight out of the box while remaining flexible for extension:

  • Post short messages with text, links, media
  • Follow users and access chronological activity feeds
  • Favorite/like posts and receive notifications
  • Reply to and mention other users in posts
  • Search through hashtags and user posts
  • Custom branding and front-end tailoring
  • User management and access controls
  • Live post streaming
  • Open API for deeper integrations
  • Scalable cloud-ready architecture

This readymade building block unlocks tremendous creativity for spawning all types of community-driven microblogging networks.

Use Case Inspiration

Let’s explore some real world use cases taking advantage of Twingr’s offerings:

Campus Life Stream

Twingr gives educational institutions like universities their own private platform fueling student engagement through statuses. Imagine campus clubs, dorms, departments and colleges maintaining their own feeds students opt into for event updates, announcements and chatter.

Enterprise Communications

Companies can drive alignment through organization-wide streams around teams, projects, social causes and more. Twingr alleviates email overload by providing just-in-time access to conversations, decisions and updates from leadership.

Conference Backchannels

Why reserve conference commentary for public Twitter feeds? Twingr lets events curate private chronological activity streams so sessions come alive with speaker Q&As, attendee reactions, key quotes and photos visible just to ticket holders.

Niche Interest Groups

Twingr facilitates like minded communities around specific topics like parenting, gaming, health or philosophy. Imagine subreddit-style streams where followers rally around hashtags matching their interests for deeper conversations.

There are endless possibilities once Twingr levels the playing field for spawning customizable microblogging networks. Those with creative needs not met by existing platforms can tailor niche environments specifically for their community’s values, conversations and knowledge sharing styles.

Running Your Own Twingr Instance

The Twingr platform provides tremendous latitude for innovation by handling all the heavy backend lifting. Launching a customized instance boils down to a few key steps:

  1. Get server hosting capable of running Node.js applications. Cloud platforms like Heroku, AWS and Azure simplify managing servers.

  2. Download Twingr source code from the GitHub repository

  3. Customize branding like colors, logos and terminology to differentiate your community.

  4. Adjust access controls, features and settings to govern how your microblogging environment operates.

  5. Extend core functionality with plugins and front-end code modifications possible thanks to Twingr’s open source license.

  6. Release your configured instance! Invite users and let them loose communicating however fits your community.

Twingr sets everything in motion instantly with production-ready architecture built for scale and resilience. That means no reinventing the wheel building a microblogging platform from scratch. Just forge the communities you envision with established building blocks as the springboard.

Join the Microblogging Movement

Microblogging first took off by giving everyday individuals a public stage for unfiltered, real-time expression. But as times change, our communication patterns evolve. Niche groups now similarly crave private outlets where intimate conversations stay on topic and relevant amongst those opted in.

Twingr turbocharges this microblogging proliferation by eliminating blocking factors. Now anyone can launch Twitter-style streams in no time to energize the groups that matter most to them. Because at the end of the day, community-building is not about technology - it’s about empowering human connections.

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