Colombian Startups Looking For Foreign Investment Follow Jul 19, 2020 · 1 min read
Colombian Startups Looking For Foreign Investment
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The Colombia Investment Roadshow is an annual business event organized by ProColombia, the government agency responsible for promoting foreign investment and exports. Now in its third year, the 2020 edition will take place virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The goal of the roadshow is to attract foreign direct investment from Europe to strategic projects and sectors in Colombia that can drive economic growth and development. ProColombia President Flavia Santoro sees the event as an important opportunity for Colombia’s economic recovery in the post-pandemic period.

A wide range of investment opportunities will be presented spanning infrastructure, technology, agriculture, energy and other industries. Infrastructure represents the largest segment, with over $9 billion worth of projects planned for cities like Medellin, Bogota and Cartagena. These include roads, airports, telecommunications networks, schools and research centers.

The technology sector is also a major focus, with 18 Colombian startups and creative companies seeking international partnerships. Around a third are fintech solutions, while others work in artificial intelligence, software and other innovative fields. Colombia aims to develop a dynamic digital economy.

All of the energy projects promote renewable energy generation across the country, capitalizing on Colombia’s strong solar and hydro resources. Agriculture is another priority, with $13 billion in investments planned for crops like coffee, cocoa, fruits, avocados and more that Colombia can produce year-round thanks to its climate and soil conditions.

In addition to infrastructure, technology and agriculture, the roadshow will feature opportunities in high-potential industries like medicinal cannabis, blueberries and sustainable forestry. European investors will have the chance to directly meet with Colombian project developers and startups.

Senior government ministers will also address attendees, discussing topics such as FDI’s role in economic recovery, positioning Colombia as a global supply chain hub, and priorities for infrastructure and energy development. As Colombia’s top investor region, Europe represents a major target market for the roadshow’s investment promotion efforts.

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