Submit your press release for $100.00
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If approved and paid, we’ll include it in our main front page alongside other breaking news articles. Press releases are stored permanently on our website, uncless you specifically request for it to be removed.
Please take note of the following instructions.
- Please specify a date at least 24 hours in advance.
- Keep your headline short (max 100 characters) and make it relevant (make sure to mention the service/product brand name in your headline).
- Indicate links in brackets (max 2 URLs) or by formatting in Markdown.
- Exclamation marks and parentheses are not allowed in titles.
- News category words like “Review, Test, Report, Interview, Guide” are not allowed in titles.
- Max Length – 1,500 words
- We urge you to add a relevant featured image, for display above the post and in the list view to the right on the news front page. If no image is included, we will use generic stock images.
- Only 1 image allowed (the featured one, which will also show up on our front page). No inline images allowed.
- Submission does not in any way guarantee approval and publication. Please follow standard PR guidelines.
- After your submission, please wait for an email with confirmation of approval, which will include instructions on how to pay.
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