ShipBob, which helps e-commerce businesses streamline fulfillment and manage inventory, raises $68M Follow Sep 20, 2020 · 1 min read
ShipBob, which helps e-commerce businesses streamline fulfillment and manage inventory, raises $68M
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The dependence of the average Joe on e-commerce is drawing investors’ attention towards companies involved in e-commerce payments & shipping. Just taking a look at recent numbers, online shopping is up $200.7 billion in the second quarter, a 44.4% increase compared to last year.

Once such company is ShipBob, an e-commerce logistics company that’s providing fulfillment where existing companies could not keep up with the demand. In particular, their b2b shipping and distributed is highly sought after. As reported by the WSJ, they had raised $68 million in order to expand their operations in a funding round headed by SoftBank Group Corp’s Vision Fund.

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