Read AI Summarizes Your Emails and Work Related Content

Lily Polanco Follow Apr 02, 2024 · 3 mins read
Read AI Summarizes Your Emails and Work Related Content
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In today’s fast-paced digital workplace, knowledge workers are inundated with a constant deluge of meetings, emails, and messages across a multitude of platforms and apps. Keeping track of key information, takeaways, and action items from all of these interactions is an immense challenge that can significantly impede productivity and focus.

Seattle-based startup Read AI aims to solve this problem by bringing the power of artificial intelligence to bear in enhancing and connecting workplace communications. The company has developed proprietary connected intelligence technology that can intelligently summarize meetings and interactions across platforms like Microsoft Teams, Google Meet, Zoom, Gmail, Outlook, Slack, and more.

With $21 million in new Series A funding led by Goodwater Capital, along with backing from existing investor Madrona Venture Group, Read AI is accelerating its mission to build “the future of work, where every interaction is enhanced by AI.” The fresh capital will allow the company to expand its team and product capabilities as it rolls out connected intelligence functionality for email and messaging.

How Connected Intelligence Works

At its core, Read AI uses advanced AI models to generate intelligent summaries and briefings from meetings, emails, messages and other workplace interactions. The platform’s “Readouts” condense lengthy video meetings and sprawling email/chat threads into concise topic reports complete with clearly denoted action items, key takeaways, and even answers to specific questions.

But Read AI goes beyond simply summarizing individual interactions. The true power lies in its connected intelligence layer, which allows these Readouts generated from meetings, emails and messages to dynamically share information and continuously update each other based on the latest inputs across all platforms.

For example, a Readout summarizing a meeting discussion can automatically incorporate relevant updates from subsequent email threads on the same topic. Conversely, a message thread Readout can link to and pull in salient details from a related previous meeting’s summary. In this way, Read AI creates a seamless network of connected intelligence that keeps meetings, emails, and messages persistently in sync.

According to Read AI CEO David Shim, this connected intelligence approach is “transforming them into collaborative partners, so that they talk to each other, share information, offer updates, find answers, and organize tasks.” User feedback indicates the productivity gains are substantial, with claims that Read AI consistently frees up one full day per week for knowledge workers.

Robust Security and Proprietary Models

As concerns around data privacy and AI security remain heightened, Read AI emphasizes its adherence to robust security practices. The platform undergoes regular SOC 2 Type 2 audits, uses end-to-end encryption on all data, and gives users full control over data retention policies and measured data.

The company is also differentiating itself through a multimodal AI approach that incorporates audio, video, and participant inputs into its proprietary models rather than relying solely on transcripts. This allows Read AI’s connected intelligence to capture more context and nuance from interactions.

By combining cutting-edge AI with a laser focus on privacy, security and customized models, Read AI hopes to lead the next wave of connected workplace intelligence and “build an AI auto-pilot for knowledge workers.” The recently raised $21 million in funding will provide a major boost as the startup continues enhancing its platform and expanding to new communication frontiers. The future of work could very well involve having an AI co-pilot automatically keeping all your meetings, emails and messages intelligently connected and up-to-date.

Written by Lily Polanco Follow
Junior News Writer @