Myspace Developer Parties Follow Feb 06, 2009 · 1 min read
Myspace Developer Parties
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In february of 2009, MySpace had hosted developer parties as a part of the developer platform launch.

I’m Queue, your MySpace Developer Platform guru. Here you’ll find open source, open documentation and endless possibilities. MySpace and the web are evolving fast and we want you to have a chance to make your mark. Bring us your innovations and take our opportunities for recognition and revenue. The time is now! MySpace is about self-expression and discovery in as many ways as you can imagine.

MySpace co-founder Chris DeWolfe led off the evening and introduced MySpace CTO Aber Whitcomb and COO Amit Kapur to introduce the highlights of the Platform.


  • We’re going to fully support OpenSocial standards, the documentation of our exact specs is live on the developer site.
  • We’re going to democratize the platform launch by giving everyone one month to test drive the platform and build apps before releasing them to our users.
  • Think of the profile page as friend facing, and the home page as self facing.
  • We’re going to iterate on the platform over the next month.
  • You’re going to have to use Caja for security.


  • We’re going to let you monetize your apps however you want and keep 100% of the revenue, “like you may be used to.”
  • We’re going to try to apply some of our hypertargeting expertise to help developers make money.
  • We really want to make this work for developers.
  • Several top Facebook developers have created demo apps quickly for tonight, including iLike, Flixster, Slide, and RockYou.
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