Microsoft’s Hybridization Attempt, Round 2 Follow Mar 02, 2014 · 1 min read
Microsoft’s Hybridization Attempt, Round 2
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Microsoft’s Hybridization Attempt, Round 2

by Brandon Carson

Microsoft has recently unveiled the Surface Pro 3 as a laptop replacement that also functions as a tablet for those “lean back” moments throughout the day. The company is positioning this 12-inch device as a competitor to the MacBook Air rather than the iPad.

New CEO Satya Nadella and Corporate VP for Surface Computing Panos Panay emphasized that “96% of iPad users also buy a laptop,” highlighting their strategy to market the Surface Pro 3 primarily as a productivity device rather than an entertainment gadget. This approach is intriguing, especially considering the pricing, with the most powerful version featuring an Intel i7 chip and a 512GB SSD priced at nearly $2000.

It will be interesting to see how this launch is received, but I suspect that many consumers may not be as excited as Microsoft hopes. For more details on the announcement, check out Wired.

Panos Panay introduces the Surface tablet during the Microsoft Surface unveiling. Photo: Andrew White/WIRED

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Brandon Carson
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