Google Acquires Cameyo to Boost Enterprise Adoption of ChromeOS

Lily Polanco Follow Jun 05, 2024 · 4 mins read
Google Acquires Cameyo to Boost Enterprise Adoption of ChromeOS
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In a strategic move to enhance the enterprise appeal of ChromeOS, Google has announced the acquisition of Cameyo, a leading provider of virtual application delivery (VAD) solutions. This acquisition aims to make it easier for businesses to seamlessly integrate legacy Windows applications into the ChromeOS ecosystem, further driving the adoption of Google’s cloud-centric operating system.

Cameyo’s VAD platform has been a valuable asset for enterprises, allowing them to stream Windows, Linux, internal web, and SaaS applications to users. Last year, Google and Cameyo collaborated on deeper ChromeOS integration, specifically for Windows applications. This integration has resulted in a unique solution where Windows applications are transformed into Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) that can be accessed directly from the ChromeOS launcher or taskbar.

These PWAs offer native file system integration, enabling users to access local files and folders, as well as full clipboard support. The applications can be streamed from the cloud or on-premises data centers, and can be set to automatically open specific file types, providing a seamless user experience.

By acquiring Cameyo, Google aims to bring this virtualization technology to a wider range of enterprise customers. The ChromeOS team is “doubling down on [its] commitment to delivering a streamlined experience for virtualized applications,” according to Naveen Viswanatha, Head of Product for ChromeOS Commercial Solutions.

The integration of Cameyo’s expertise will help Google position ChromeOS as a comprehensive solution for enterprise customers, offering simplified application deployment, enhanced security, improved productivity, and reduced IT costs.

“We are thrilled to welcome the Cameyo team to Google,” Viswanatha said. “As ChromeOS continues to support customers with their transition to a more secure and seamless computing experience, Cameyo has offered a valuable virtualization solution for enterprise customers to deliver key legacy applications via the cloud. Following our partnership over the past few years, we’re looking forward to working more closely with the team to support more customers in their transition to deploy ChromeOS.”

This acquisition echoes Google’s previous purchase of CloudReady in 2020, which became ChromeOS Flex, a solution that allows enterprises to transform old PCs into Chromebooks. The integration of Cameyo’s technology is expected to further strengthen Google’s position in the enterprise market, making it easier for businesses to adopt ChromeOS and leverage the benefits of cloud-based computing.

The key aspects of how Cameyo’s virtualization technology works are as follows:

Packaging Windows Applications:

The process of turning a software application into a virtual package is called “packaging.” Cameyo’s Packager tool allows users to capture a pre-installation snapshot of a clean virtual machine, install the desired software, and then take a post-installation snapshot. Cameyo analyzes the differences between the two snapshots to create a virtual package that can be deployed on any machine without the need for a full reinstallation.

Virtualization Modes:

Cameyo offers two virtualization modes: Disk mode and RAM mode. Disk mode extracts the application’s files on-demand, providing them to the operating system. This mode occupies more disk space but is faster for frequently used applications. RAM mode, on the other hand, emulates the application’s files and programs directly from memory, using less disk space.

Isolation Modes:

Cameyo’s isolation modes control whether the virtual application can modify files or registry entries on the target system. The default “Isolated” mode prevents the virtual application from making any changes to the host system, redirecting any modifications to a separate folder or registry key. The “Full Access” mode allows the virtual application to make changes to the target machine.

Application Integration:

Cameyo’s integration options determine how the virtual package is integrated (or not) into Windows. The “No Integration” mode simply runs the virtual application, while the “Recreate Shortcuts and Associations” mode ensures that the application’s shortcuts and file associations are properly created and removed when the virtual application is launched and closed.

By leveraging Cameyo’s virtualization technology, Google can now offer enterprise customers a streamlined experience for running legacy Windows applications on ChromeOS. This integration allows users to access these critical Windows apps directly from the ChromeOS launcher or taskbar, with native file system integration and clipboard support, creating a seamless user experience.

The acquisition of Cameyo by Google represents a significant step forward in the company’s efforts to make ChromeOS a more attractive and versatile platform for businesses, addressing one of the key barriers to enterprise adoption – the need to run legacy Windows applications. With Cameyo’s technology integrated into ChromeOS, Google can now provide a comprehensive solution that combines the security and simplicity of a cloud-based operating system with the ability to seamlessly access critical Windows-based software.

As Google continues to invest in the enterprise segment, the Cameyo acquisition represents a significant step forward in its efforts to make ChromeOS a more attractive and versatile platform for businesses of all sizes.

Written by Lily Polanco Follow
Junior News Writer @