EU Sets Groundbreaking AI Regulations, Restricts Facial Recognition and Emotion Detection Follow Dec 09, 2023 · 2 mins read
EU Sets Groundbreaking AI Regulations, Restricts Facial Recognition and Emotion Detection
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Late Friday night, European Union officials approved landmark new regulations for artificial intelligence (AI) systems and services. The AI Act represents the first comprehensive legislative framework governing AI globally, setting strict rules around high-risk applications like facial recognition and emotion detection.

Under the Act, certain AI uses will be outright prohibited in the EU market, including:

  • Biometric categorization of individuals by protected characteristics like race or sexual orientation
  • Scraping facial images from the internet or surveillance cameras to create recognition databases
  • Emotion detection in workplaces or schools
  • AI that seeks to manipulate human behavior against their free will
  • Exploitation of vulnerable groups through tailored AI systems

Limited exceptions will be made for law enforcement applications like finding kidnapping or trafficking victims. However, the rules broadly aim to restrict mass surveillance and unethical tracking enabled by AI technologies.

All general purpose AI systems available in the EU will need to provide transparency reports on their training data and compliance with copyright laws. High-risk applications like self-driving cars or AI diagnosis tools will face more stringent assessments, reporting requirements, and restrictions to mitigate systemic risks.

Violations could result in steep fines upwards of €35 million (or 7% of global revenue), especially for larger companies or severe infractions. Before becoming official EU law, the AI Act must still pass final votes by European Parliament and Council.

While exceptions for security uses leave some questions, the AI Act represents a bold step toward balancing innovation and ethical risks. By setting limits around dangerous use cases instead of blanket AI bans, the EU framework lays out a scalable model for regulation that protects human rights and data privacy. As AI capabilities accelerate globally, regulatory schemes like the EU’s will be critical to guiding how these transforms technologies should and should not be applied in society.

The stakes for both beneficial and hazardous AI could not be higher in the coming years. By constructing firm ethical guardrails now, the EU hopes to maximize future prosperity unlocked by AI while eliminating violations of user trust or consent. Though by no means perfect, the AI Act puts vital aligned incentives and oversight in place right from the start of this new era.

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