Black LinkedIn is emerging as a professional analog to Black Twitter since the pandemic and George Floyd’s killing Follow Jan 01, 2021 · 1 min read
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According to the official Linkedin blog:

Conversations on race and racism are increasingly happening on LinkedIn. We need them and support our Black members and allies leading these important conversations on our platform. Recently, some members have expressed frustration with our policies and said we are limiting distribution of, or censoring content on, race and racism altogether. We are not. At the heart of creating a platform for safe, trusted and professional conversations is our commitment to having clear policies and transparent processes that we apply consistently for each of our 706 million members. Our policies make it clear what’s ok and what’s not.

Discussion on Twitter:

LinkedIn’s tone has long reflected corporate America: staid, monolithic, white. Now Black users are speaking up — and saying the site is limiting their voice. by @WeirdPrinces.

— Mukhtar M. Ibrahim (@mukhtaryare) October 11, 2020

When Covid-19 forced millions to work from home and miss out on break-room chitchat, LinkedIn became a place to vent. Then, the killing of George Floyd put workers over the edge. Black grief went on full display at corporate America’s virtual water cooler.

— NYT Business (@nytimesbusiness) October 11, 2020

One of the more interesting things I read yesterday, especially the part about the curated list of approved black people and commentary. That’s an overt version of what happens in many spaces.

— Janell Ross (@JanellRoss) October 9, 2020

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