Apple Allowing Game Emulator Apps in EU App Store

Lily Polanco Follow Apr 05, 2024 · 2 mins read
Apple Allowing Game Emulator Apps in EU App Store
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In a recent move following a hefty $2 billion fine from the EU commission and ongoing scrutiny over compliance with the Digital Markets Act (DMA), Apple has once again updated its App Store guidelines. This time, the tech giant has introduced significant changes that mark a shift in its policies towards music streaming apps and game emulators, particularly in the European Union.

Game Emulators Welcomed on Apple Platforms

In a groundbreaking move, Apple has also announced its decision to permit the distribution of game emulators on its platforms, marking a significant departure from its previous stance. While developers have previously explored ways to offer emulator software to iOS users through various means, the official inclusion of game emulators in the App Store guidelines opens up new possibilities for gaming enthusiasts.

The updated guidelines now explicitly mention game emulators, allowing developers to create and distribute apps that offer retro game console emulation and the option to download games. However, Apple emphasizes that developers are accountable for ensuring that the software provided in their apps complies with the guidelines and relevant laws, raising questions about the legality and ownership rights of the games offered through these emulators.

Music Streaming Apps Gain New Entitlements in the EU

One of the key updates in Apple’s revised guidelines is the introduction of “Music Streaming Services Entitlements” for apps distributed in the EU. This change allows music streaming apps in specific regions to include links to external websites, enabling functionalities like direct purchases or service subscriptions outside the App Store ecosystem. Users can now be directed to external websites to make purchases or provide their email addresses for further interactions with the app developers.

This alteration comes in response to the EU commission’s concerns regarding Apple’s anti-competitive practices, particularly in relation to Apple Music competitors. By allowing music streaming apps to redirect users to external websites, Apple aims to address accusations of market dominance and unfair competition practices within the music streaming industry.

Implications and Future Outlook

Apple’s decision to embrace game emulators and facilitate external links for music streaming apps reflects a strategic response to regulatory pressures and evolving market dynamics. While these changes are aimed at addressing antitrust concerns and enhancing user experience, they also raise questions about the implications for developers, consumers, and the broader app ecosystem.

As Apple navigates ongoing legal challenges and regulatory scrutiny, the tech industry continues to witness shifts in app store policies and practices. The inclusion of game emulators and external website links in the EU App Store signifies a notable departure from Apple’s traditional approach, signaling a willingness to adapt to changing regulatory landscapes and consumer demands.

In conclusion, Apple’s recent updates to the App Store guidelines highlight the company’s efforts to address regulatory concerns, enhance app functionality, and cater to evolving user preferences. By allowing game emulators and external links for music streaming apps, Apple is taking steps towards fostering a more open and diverse app ecosystem while navigating complex regulatory environments and competitive landscapes.

Written by Lily Polanco Follow
Junior News Writer @