23andMe Confirms Data Breach Impacting Nearly 7 Million Users' Genetic Data

new.blicio.us Follow Dec 04, 2023 · 2 mins read
23andMe Confirms Data Breach Impacting Nearly 7 Million Users' Genetic Data
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23andMe, the at-home genetic testing company, confirmed that hackers infiltrated around 14,000 user accounts and gained access to customers’ sensitive genetic ancestry and health data. While only 0.1% of 23andMe’s 14+ million global user base had their accounts directly compromised, the breach extended to associated “other users” who had opted to share information. The total number affected is estimated to be close to 6.9 million individuals.

The cyberattack, discovered in early October, utilized a “credential stuffing” technique involving leaked account credentials from outside sources. Upon accessing a limited number of accounts directly, the hackers were then able to view genetic data shared with “other users” under 23andMe’s account linking option. The precise extent of accessed personal information remains unclear, though it includes highly sensitive ancestry, family history and some health-related genetic data.

Notably, a TechCrunch analysts cross-referenced a sample of the breached datasets against publicly available genealogy records and found substantial verifiable overlap. Soon after 23andMe reported the incident, hacked information on purportedly 1 million Ashkenazi Jewish users and 100,000 Chinese users surfaced for sale on hacking forums. This preceded advertisements for records of an additional 4 million users, hinting at the expansive fallout of this single account-based attack.

While 23andMe has contracted cyberforensics experts and notified regulators globally about the breach, urgent questions persist regarding the security of customers’ most private genetic information. Though the initial hack only directly impacted 0.1% of accounts, the resulting breach spread to nearly 50 times more individuals who trusted the platform’s protections.

23andMe pledges to incorporate lessons learned into strengthening data protections going forward. However, with exponential growth in at-home DNA testing popularity, ensuring robust safeguards for genetic data presents complex challenges amid today’s sophisticated cyber threats. Users must remain cautiously vigilant of privacy risks - even when entrusting personal data to seemingly reputable technology companies.

This breach illustrates the cascading risks of aggregating sensitive data into centralized for-profit databases. It serves as a sobering reminder that even strict account security means little when systems enable third parties access to intimate personal records. Users should think critically before sharing genetic data and conduct regular account audits. Companies must place privacy ahead of profits in this emerging domain fraught with ethical landmines.

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